Monday, September 21, 2009

New Office Bearers

Saturday, 6 September, 2008 1:05 AM

Dear Ajeets,

I would like to thank you all for your active participation in the First International SSBJ OBA Meet at Chicago on Monday, September 1, 2008. We had a good strength of about 30 Ajeets.

Special thanks to our beloved teacher Mr. G. D. Kale for being amongst us and addressing all the Ajeets, Ajeetas and Abheets. His inspirational words have been captured in our minds as well as in videos. These have been uploaded and the links are given below.

Special thanks to my energetic classmate - Madan Kulkarni who generously offered to host the event at his Meadows Club in Rolling Meadows. The location of the event made it a grand one.

Congratulations to the new elected office-bearers of SSBJ OBA of North America -

* Arun Patil - President
* Raj Galagali - Vice President
* Siddanagowda Khot - Secretary
* Iresh Angadi - US East Coast - Leader
* Raj Suligavi - US Central - Leader
* Sanganna Asuti/S.Khot - US West Coast - Leader
Best Wishes,
Channu Kambalyal
[562, H/W/C, 1970-77]
Chicago, USA